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We just got wind of this extremely easy to use tool that can be used to find properties that are in foreclosure anywhere in the country. Foreclosures, and the methodologies that surround their successful acquisition can be tricky - but very profitable ventures for anyone looking for ways to leverage capital. has released a new online website filled with helpful articles, tips, and most important lists of homes in foreclosure for every state in the country. This helpful online tool eliminates literally day's spent in county records offices searching for foreclosure filings from public records. |
 "Home for sale"
The days of looking through the classified section of our local newspapers for sections like that headline have finally passed. We now search for Real Estate online and MLS Search is the biggest buzz word to hit the industry's consumers in years.
Unfortunately, Internet search engines can't help you sort through them with any level opap online of efficiency.
A good number of the search results you get looking for an MLS system to use for your home purchase are either large search engines (like where you just cannot be sure they have the latest data, or referral sites that make their living referring you to a Realtor's website (which they charge the Realtor for, and which consequently keep you from getting the very best deal that you can).
If you are looking for a home or Real Estate Agent in Riverside, Corona, Norco or any of the surrounding areas, you have found one of the finest search engines available anywhere right here.
If you are searching outside these areas and landed here by accident, we recommend optimizing your internet search using local words that will help target your search to a local area. For example, rather than searching for "MLS search" or some other broad variant, try searching for "MLS search (your county or your city)". This will help considerably and get you down to a smaller subset of websites that are focused on your local area.
NPR reports on changes in the Real Estate Industry
According to NPR (National Public Radio), they are. We have heard similar reports from a recent 20-20 news report. With the recent infusion of technology in this industry, and the higher efficiencies that resulted, we think its changing too. This is an excerpt from that broadcast:
U.S. homebuyers and sellers paid more than $60 billion in real-estate commissions last year. Despite new technology, commissions have remained at around 6 percent. Federal regulators blame anti-competitive foot-dragging by the industry. But realtors say their business is more competitive than ever.
Its nice to see that NPR is commenting on this, and we are sure there are more than a few concerned Real Estate agents in this country who also heard it, and in their hearts agree.
A few Innovative Realtors are working very hard to find new ways of returning that savings to their Home Buyers and Home Sellers. We plan lucky 7 online game to be a major part of this initiative.
To hear more of this broadcast, go to National Public Radio. They do not currently have the article in print, but you can listen to the report using the link at the top of the article.
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